Design Studios

Design Studios

Design Studios featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.



The information architecture and how information is organized played a huge role in the design process. Considering all the exciting new technology that boomed in the last years. What was really exciting was the proximity marketing using the bluetooth technology. This technology enables a whole new level for the customer experience and tailored suggestion for each individual customer. The website, app and the experience when walking inside a store connected all together. A design ready for the internet of things.

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5 Style

5 STYLE was launched with a minimalist aesthetic to discover new emerging artists/designers globally to create unique content for the online magazine. Mr. Negro has a vision that will help create a lifestyle brand that spans continents. Plans to bring this to fruition include a print magazine that lends to 5 STYLE's minimal approach to luxury; an online shop for products from emerging designers who collaborates with 5 STYLE; travel passes and offers that coincide with suggested tips from featured travel guide; an exclusive way to purchase perks from Negro's himself.

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South West College

We recently completed a total redesign and relaunch of a new, bespoke website and system for South West College. South West College is an educational institution operating in the counties of Tyrone and Fermanagh in Northern Ireland. The College employs over 500 full time and part time staff servicing some 14,000 enrolments. The brief was that the college wanted their new site to be exceptional in terms of usability and provide users with easy access to course listings which was presented in a clear, easy to understand, and searchable way.

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Southern Regional College

The college site was outdated, complex, unresponsive to mobile devices and delivered a poor user experience. The strategy was to create a modern responsive site which appealed to local students and grow interaction with business, industry, community associations and international students. The College provides centres of excellence for technology, business and industry providing pathways to employment. The site needed to applicable for use by all.

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communication through the ages

This is a parallax scrolling website introducing the evolution of communication through the ages. Each age is depicted in a color illustration. While the background and the costumes changes, the male characters' positions are fixed. The parallax scrolling technique makes it possible to show the gradual changes. The last illustration, which shows a large question mark, prompts the reader to think about the future of communication.

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Finch & Partners

In taking the approach of displaying the entire web content on a single page, allowed the user interaction to be swift whilst providing a journey of discovery using hidden expandable content areas, all whilst maintaining a fluid layout. This includes the introduction of way points for easy navigation and parallax scrolling with a fluid layout.

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