Design Studios

Design Studios

Design Studios featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


Finch & Partners

In taking the approach of displaying the entire web content on a single page, allowed the user interaction to be swift whilst providing a journey of discovery using hidden expandable content areas, all whilst maintaining a fluid layout. This includes the introduction of way points for easy navigation and parallax scrolling with a fluid layout.

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Limkokwing University

Limkokwing University of Creative Technology through its website has created a sense of community, a place where the world can learn about its unorthodox approach to learning and about the crucial role of creativity and innovation in higher education. It wanted to design a site for students and its worldwide partners; a platform of engagement and exchange to showcase the diversity at Malaysia’s most globalized University.

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Trionn Design

The white canvas provides the ideal background to build on. The sugary sweet color combination provides a perfect attention-grabbing element that draws in the viewer. The combination of serif and sans serif fonts and the weighting and colours make for a heady blend that entices the viewer to explore further. HTML5 Parallax animation website with Responsive, We have our own Staff Vector Characters Design. its unique Design Ever with Bright color with nice & smooth animations..

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Baidu Smart City

The large screen is specially designed for the command centers of various cities in China to meet the needs of the government to monitor the city situation, predict urban crises, and conduct emergency dispatch. Considering the aesthetics and acceptance of government users aged 40-50, this product has designed the most twinned 3D city map and the most visual charts, allowing users to collect data quickly. At the same time, users can navigate the screen with voice or pad control, to maximize productivity and make urban management easier.

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Brewing Happiness

The Gong Cha responsive website is a modern and innovative digital platform designed to effectively communicate the brand story, values, and services of Gong Cha, a renowned beverage company. This project places a strong emphasis on inclusivity and accessibility, ensuring that the website is easily accessible to all users, including those with disabilities or visual impairments. Gong Cha aims to foster a sense of inclusiveness and provide equal opportunities for all visitors.

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Kolektif is a web application where employees can track their human resources work and socialize. In this application, they can create and customize their profile pages, follow announcements, and make updates. At the same time, employees can see their colleagues' profiles, like their posts, and view the company's stories. Employees can also thank their colleagues or other teams by using the appreciation page. The new database is created through all these personal entries for employee-specific training and activity suggestions.

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World's best designers, artists and architects.

Good design deserves great recognition. Everyday, we are pleased to feature amazing designers who create original and innovative designs, amazing architecture, stylish fashion and creative graphics. Today, we are presenting you one of the World’s greatest designers. Checkout an award-winning design portfolio today and get your daily design inspiration.

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