Design Studios

Design Studios

Design Studios featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


Lawyer Martin-Hayner

Lawyer Hayner wants to differ with the Relaunch of his website from other lawyers and presents itself uncomplicated and personal in the web. The new created homepage was consciously unusually formed for a lawyer: Instead of dry empty phrases lawyer Hayner stands out in the web with striking, partly provoking sayings. But on the respective questions, the astonishing resolution follows directly with a wink.

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Embassy Flavours

A top-to-bottom redesign of Embassy Flavour's web experience. Using leading edge material design principles in combination with a clean and modern aesthetic, Embassy Flavours website and overall online experience were transformed and greatly enhanced. Beautiful imagery and rich text were incorporated into a mobile-first design resulting in a greatly improved and enjoyable online experience. Users reported having a pleasant experience when navigating the new site. They found the information easy to find and the layout intuitive and unique.

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Finesse Design Atelier is a Paris-based digital studio with a boutique approach to web design. It specializes in delivering engaging solutions necessary to establish an original online presence. Its objective is to create digital strategies that captivate audiences and provide a memorable experience. In order to reflect the studio’s sphere of expertise the atelier's creative team has crafted a portfolio website using a combination of bold design, visually appealing photography and strong typography.

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Hong Kong Angelman Syndrome Foundation

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The design of the Eyesbound portfolio website is clean and simple. The focus lies on the photographs displayed on the page. The minimal usage of navigation and menu elements guides the user directly through the portfolio, the menu is sorted by categories and series. On the images detail page some meta information about the shot can be found. From the logo to backgrounds and typography concept the only colors accompanying the imagery are black and white, keeping the emphasis on the photography.

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The information architecture and how information is organized played a huge role in the design process. Considering all the exciting new technology that boomed in the last years. What was really exciting was the proximity marketing using the bluetooth technology. This technology enables a whole new level for the customer experience and tailored suggestion for each individual customer. The website, app and the experience when walking inside a store connected all together. A design ready for the internet of things.

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